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Jemma celebrates 12 years with Bright Purple!

It seems like yesterday that we were celebrating the ten-year work anniversary of our Finance Director Jemma Brown. But a whole year has passed and here we are celebrating her eleven incredible years of dedication working with Bright Purple!
Not much has changed in the last year, except we can all get hair-cuts again, and one of us can enjoy some canned cocktails with Jemma in a park from a 2 metre distance!
Jemma Brown
As the person who has truly seen it all at Bright Purple, we thought we’d grill Jemma on her experiences of the last 12 years, going from a 19-year-old finance assistant to our incredible Finance Director!

Jemma! Congratulations on 12 years with Bright Purple – do you remember your very first day with us?

Yes, very well! I can remember it being very daunting, going round every single desk of the current employees trying to remember names! One name that has stuck is Nick Price – only one that’s left from that time ago! :) :) 
Jemma and Nick
Jemma and Nick in 2015!

What's your biggest achievement/success to date?

Being at Bright Purple for 12 years is an achievement! Starting from being a young 19 year-old finance assistant and working my way all the way up to become Finance Director! With the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 has got to be one of my hardest, yet most rewarding years at BP. Watching everyone adapt to so many changes and we are still booming as a business is amazing.

What are some of your highlights of the past 12 years?

All the fancy Xmas parties and festival nights have got to be up there but our trip to Budapest in 2015! Even though I was heavily pregnant it was still a great trip and nice to be treated to something different :)
Jamie Jemma and Magnus at a silent disco
Jamie, Jemma and Magnus at a Silent Disco in 2019!

How has your job, and the office, changed since you first started?

Everything has changed A LOT! Working under Alastair for 8 years to now running the full back office department is a big change, that I am still adapting to! Going through times where we had offices in London, Lithuania etc and 40/50 staff in the Edinburgh branch to now a more compact team in Edinburgh.  
A lot of great colleagues have left, some of which remain still very good friends of mine. One thing that hasn’t changed though is my office seat and keyboard which I am 100% not up for changing them anytime soon! – it is even coming to our new office with us next month!!! 

How have you enjoyed working from home? Are you looking forward to going back to the office (with flexible working!)

Since having children, Bright Purple has always offered me home working days and its great to finally see it as being a bit more normal! With working full time and having a 5 and 2 year old, it gives me so much more family time than I could ever ask for!
As much as I love being able to drop and pick the kids up each day, I cant wait to get back into the office a few days a week to enjoy some adult company! And for someone else to make me a coffee!!
Jemma christmas party
Jemma at the Christmas Party in 2010!

Where do you see Bright Purple going in the next 12 years? Do you have any personal goals?

I am eager to continue to embrace my new role as Finance Director and grow the team around me as well as maintaining my current work/life balance…. The craziness of COVID-19 has had me focussing on other things in Bright Purple but I am now ready to embrace my role!
We’d like to say a huge congratulations and thank you to Jemma for her hard-work and dedication in the last 12 years, and for keeping our finances in check ;)
Bright Purple wouldn’t be the same without you!


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